IOTA Node Tutorial

How to setup IOTA Wallet

Posted by Necropaz on September 16, 2016

Gerneral Information

⚪ Seed: 81-char string consisting only of uppercase latin letters and 9's which is used to access an account. A seed is like a private key/password. Keep it secure and don't share it with anyone. If someone has access to your seed they can access your account.

⚪ Milestones: Milestone is a special transaction issued by a special node called Coordinator. The Coordinator is run by Iota Foundation, its main purpose is to protect the network until it grows strong enough to sustain against a large scale attack from those who own GPUs. Milestones set general direction for the tangle growth and do some kind of checkpointing. Transactions (in)directly referenced by milestones are considered as confirmed.

Step - Download

Here you can download your IOTA client for your System. (click on the symbol on the left side)

After you have downloade the right file install it on your system.


You can sycing on two ways:

⚪First option: You can syncing from scratch. This needs a fast internet connection and is better for the network.

⚪Second option: If your internet connection is too low you can download the DB from the Internet.

Step - Syncing from Scratch

If you want to sync from Scratch let the node run for a while. You can see the procress in the left corner of the IOTA Wallet. You can compare your syncing state as you can see in this Step:


Step - Syncing from extern DB

If you want to sync from extern DB download this .zip File: Extern DB

Then switch to your Wallet and go to Tools->Open Database Folder. Close the IOTA Wallet and let the explorer which is shown your Database Folder open.

Now unpack the downloaded .zip file and copy all files to the Database Folder. (Override the old Files in the Server Folder !!!)

Now you can restart your IOTA Wallet and you should synced in under 15 mins to the latest Milestone (See Step 5).

Step - Botbox

To check your syncing you should sing up in IOTA Slack Chat . There is a channel called #botbox. In this channel the coordinator post his newest Milestone.

If your IOTA Wallet have the same Milestone (down in the left corner in the brackets). You are able to send and recive IOTAs. It is normal not to have the same amount of Transaction as the coordinator.

Step - Login

To login you only have to enter your seed an press Login.

The seed is a 81-char string consisting only of uppercase latin letters and 9's which is used to access an account. A seed is like a private key/password. Keep it secure and don't share it with anyone. If someone has access to your seed they can access your account.

Step - Generate address

To generate an new address you should click on RECIVE Tab in the IOTA wallet.

Then press ATTACH TO TANGLE. When you use your Wallet for the first time its normal that getting tips needs a long time. After you succesfully add the address to the tangle you can see it in the HISTORY Tab under Addresses.

See Step - History Tab

Step 7 - Send IOTAs

To send IOTAs click on the SEND Tab. There you can enter an address and the amount and then click on send.

As explained in Step - Generate Address it needs a long time for first sending. After you successfully send check HISTORY tab and don't send new amount until your transaction is 100% confirmed.

For explaining how to check this see Step - History Tab

Step - History Tab

On the Tap History you can check your Transfers and Addresses which you have done.

If a Transaction is not 100% confirmed after an hour you should replay it by clicking on Show bundle and then press Replay Transaction. See market as red.

If you send an new Transaction before an old transaction became 100% confirmed you make double spends.

If you click on Addresses you can see all addresses which you had attached to the tangle. The addresses don't need 100% confirmation.

Step - Spam the Network

You can help the network by spamming it. With the wallet this is a very easy Step.

Click on Tools->Network Spammer and then on SPAM THE NETWORK.